The type of roofing you have installed protects the inside of your home from harsh weather changes and other elements that cause harm. 

Wanting to change your home’s roofing can be influenced by many reasons. In this post, we will discuss all the possible reasons you should consider re-roofing your home and how to choose the right roofer.

Signs that Show Your Home Needs Re-roofing

A home is not only as strong as the foundation but as the roof as well, and the top is the essential coverage that runs through the entire upper part of your home above the ceilings in a room. 

The roof of a home provides one with many things, including privacy, shelter, and warmth. If you want to benefit from this protection, it is essential to ensure your roofing is intact. If you have doubts about yours, here is how you can know for sure:

  • Spongy Roof Sheeting
  • Leaking Roof
  • Mold Growth on Shingle Surfaces
  • Curled Shingles
  • Broken Shingles
  • Missing Shingles
  • Daylight Peeks Through

What Makes Them the Right Roofer

Roofing your home is an essential job that professionals should do only. The right roofer for your home must have specific qualifications that prove they are the right choice, and that is what you should be looking for.

Here is a detailed list of factors that make them the right roofer:

1. Updated Licenses

An updated license is an important detail you need to know about your roofer. You would not want the mistake of hiring an unlicensed roofing contractor, as this questions the quality of work.

Always ask for a copy of their license and other documents proving they are registered and legit. The right roofing company will have no problem showing you these documents and entertaining any other questions you may have.

2. Qualifications and Training

The roof repair of your home is to be done by qualified people who have undergone training to install the roof sheetings properly. 

When not appropriately done, residential roofing can cause terrible accidents that can threaten the lives of families living under the roof. For safe home roofing, you must examine the contractor’s qualifications and training and, if impressed, hire them.

3. Available Insurance

Ask your roofing contractor for their current insurance policy before you even think of hiring them. The right roofers for your home will have an insurance policy that covers their workers if they get injured on the job and any damage done to your home in the roofing process.

4. Recommends Getting Permits

Re-roofing is a project that most regions advise getting a building permit to be on the safe side. The right roofer will want to do right by you and not compromise any necessary steps before the job starts.

If you have questions about getting the permit, you can always speak to your local building authority for the next step. Sometimes, a key is not necessary, depending on the repairs needed on the roof.

5. Draws Up a Contract

Nothing declares something official than a signed contract between a homeowner and the roofing contractor. Drawing up a contract establishes a legal binding that acknowledges a job to be done from a specific time to another.

Aside from the legal bind, a second benefit you get from a drawn-up contract is the proof it holds of all the payment schedules, a list of roofing materials to be used, and the names of all the subcontractors on the job.

6. Reviews

The reviews of people online tell a story about a company if you look closely enough. It is a powerful tool that you can use to choose the right roofer for your home. When many reviews say good things about the roofing company, you immediately know it is the right choice.

Decisions such as this are why it is essential to leave a review on any product or service you try. It helps others who have second thoughts to arrive at an informed decision.

7. Access to Quality Materials

When it comes to roofing, quality should always come first before cost because, in the long run, it keeps your home covered for many years, storm after storm. A poor choice of roofing materials will only lead to immediate damage after a bit of rain, leading to more expenses.

Any company that uses cheap roofing materials is not doing you any favor. They only add expenses you could easily avoid by using quality roofing materials.

8. Number of Years in Business

A roofing company still that has existed for many years tells a story about the quality of work and the progress made over the years. You can say you have the right roofer for your home re-roofing when they have increased subcontractors and multiple good reviews over the years.

A roofing company with over ten years of working experience shows growth and expertise in the craft. It will be in your best interest to hire such!

Why You Should Choose Big Bear Roofing Services

Big Bear Roofing services representation of all the factors you should look for when choosing the right roofer for your home. We have been offering our roofing services for many years and are available in Charleston, Greensboro, Summerville, Mt Pleasant, Goose Creek, and a few other places.

We pride ourselves on offering a range of roofing services and materials that are affordable and safe for your home. On our website, you can access customer reviews describing the quality of work our contractors do.


It is essential to know the attributes of a reliable roofer to help ensure that you choose the right one for your home and that you are content with the service provided. 

Get all your roofing concerns addressed today by contacting Big Bear Roofing. We are always available to answer your questions and provide the right roofers that put your safety first, giving you a result you will be pleased with!