Commercial Roofing
Roofing Company
Serving Charleston SC, Greensboro NC & Raleigh NC
Commercial Roof Contractor
Expert Services. Best Prices.
Commercial Roofing Services in Charleston SC, Greensboro NC & Raleigh NC
Our commercial roofing contractors understand the complexity of commercial roof systems, and we are certified by the leading manufacturers of commercial roofing materials to install their products. Your business needs to keep operating during the roofing process so we can minimize obstruction to parking and entryways and reduce interruptions to your operations.
Commercial flat roofs pose some of the most significant challenges for a roofing company. Large flat expanses, heating, air conditioning machinery, air vents, and piping create obstacles to making a roof watertight and long-lasting. Our commercial roofing contractors have the experience and craftsmanship of product installation to meet and exceed requirements for commercial roofing of all types. We serve Charleston SC, Greensboro NC and Raleigh NC.

Commercial Roof Contractor
Expert Services. Best Prices.
Commercial Roofing Services in Charleston SC, Greensboro NC & Raleigh NC
Our commercial roofing contractors understand the complexity of commercial roof systems, and we are certified by the leading manufacturers of commercial roofing materials to install their products. Your business needs to keep operating during the roofing process so we can minimize obstruction to parking and entryways and reduce interruptions to your operations.
Commercial flat roofs pose some of the most significant challenges for a roofing company. Large flat expanses, heating, air conditioning machinery, air vents, and piping create obstacles to making a roof watertight and long-lasting. Our commercial roofing contractors have the experience and craftsmanship of product installation to meet and exceed requirements for commercial roofing of all types. We serve Charleston SC, Greensboro NC and Raleigh NC.

Commercial Roofing
Information & Services
Work With Big Bear Roofing To Maintain, Restore, Repair, Or Replace Your Commercial Roof
Maintain Your Roof
A roof needs regular maintenance to keep it in operating condition. Maintenance involves the physical inspection of an existing roofing system to determine its current condition, detect weaknesses and failures, and identify any potential future problems. Through a program of regularly scheduled annual or semiannual inspections, the company’s technicians assist the owner in protecting his or her roofing investments by seeking to identify damage in its early stages. Early detection of leaks and roof system failures makes it possible for the company to repair and extend the life of a roof system through repair or restoration, which is significantly less expensive and time-consuming than re-roofing.
Restore Your Roof
Discover what restoring your roof can do for your property. Restoration involves the major repair of the roof system, including the repair of all penetrations and resurfacing of the roof to restore it to serviceable condition. The opportunity to perform restoration work normally exists two or three years prior to the roof’s end of its lifecycle and before significant damage occurs. The cost of restoration is typically one-half of the cost of re-roofing. We employ a team that has specialty training to be able to identify and correct major deficiencies in roof systems prior to replacement. This process can include coatings, re-flashings, and modern design modifications.
Repair Your Roof
A good roof may need repair to return it to its optimal operating condition. Repair is a process where an existing roofing system has additions and adjustments made to it, such as caulking, re-coating, and repairing penetration to fix leaks in the roofing system. We offer repairs for homeowners, real estate agents, and insurance claims.
Replace Your Roof
Some roofs have reached the point where repair or restoration are no longer options, replacement is sometimes the only viable option. Re-roofing is the process of installing a new roof when a roofing system fails. Roofing system failures can be caused by a number of factors, including age, severe weather, poor workmanship, defective materials, improper specification of a roofing system, abuse, and failure to maintain the roof via inspections.
A Better Roof At A Better Price
This flexible financing plan offers customers an easy way to invest in their roofing needs while spreading out payments over time. Designed to ease financial strain, it provides a generous option for those who want to enjoy the benefits of a new roof without the immediate pressure of paying in full. With this plan, customers can manage their investment comfortably and at their own pace.